Saturday 7 February 2009

The weekend, the snow days and absolute radio!

Many of you will be aware that it has snowed. It snowed SO much that school actually broke! As a result, two days were allocated where we could do whatever we wanted. On the first day, i woke at seven, and my mum told me school was closed, so i fell asleep and didnt wake again until the afternoon. Ahhhh... good times. When i finally did wake up, it didnt occur to me that snow equalled fun with friends, who were out having fun, while i was watching x-men cartoons on youtube. Feeling angry that evening, i vowed that if it snowed the next day, i would go out and have the best day i've had all year! Next day. I wake up and my mum goes into school (Her workplace) i get dressed in my uniform bitterly and eat my breakfast of shreddies begrudgingly. Then, the phone rings. Schools off again! SO anyway, i basically end up going out. Sadly, most of my friends exhausted themselves fun-wise the previous day, (As i see it, all holding hands and singing, making snow angels and dancing with snowmen) i could only find one person who would venture out with me. So me and Dave ended up going to the now mostly thawed park, walking past snowmen that were more mud than frozen water and had long since lost their cheerful features. But all in all, it was actually quite a laugh! I went home and made a potted snowman, (More efficient as i see it, not need to make strong foundations) and relaxed knowing that we'd smashed every suffering snowman in horsham park, putting them out of their melting misery.

On another topic, a long time ago i had lost my faith in radio, (As many will remember, the resignation of Russell Brand from his radio show) as my favourite show went off the air. Radio is an under-rated medium and when Russell Brand's shambolic, chaotic but never not funny two hour show collapsed as a result of the workings of an EVIL newspaper, i lost a lot of faith. But recently, i discovered Absolute Radio, and found a lot of new bands, new shows and new presenters that i love! It must be hard for Absolute Radio, the Russell Brand Show is a big space to fill in my personal brain-box radio award ceremony. But hopefully Tim Shaw, Jeff, Allan Lake and the other ones i cant remember will rise to the challenge and make me love radio once again!

Anyway, i've gone on for long enough, maybe i should leave it for a few hours before posting again. Wouldn't want to break the internets with my twittering!

Signing off,


  1. I am pleased you have found a russell brand alternative but I'm not pleased (may even go so far as to say I'm disappointed) that you destroyed many an innocent snowman in horsham park; the act of which it seems was motivated by your resentment for not having given yourself the opportunity to build one of your own the day before. But what do I know? keep up the posts Jimminy

  2. Destroyed? But they were melting, we were helping them, it was quick and painless!
